Explorer Kim's Adventures

Petrified Wood Building Space Ranger East Meets West Railroad Joshua Tree NP Virginia City, Nevada Ka Chow Garibaldi, Oregon Fame has a Price Shore Acres

Welcome to the travel section!!!!

I love to tell people that as I've gotten older, the gypsy in my soul yells louder and louder that she wants to GO all the time. She wants to travel, explore, learn, experience. As I was going through pictures and notes from previous adventures I had a real epiphany. This isn't a new thing - that gypsy has always existed in me. I've always had the itch to travel and, honestly, if I won the lottery I'd blow it all on traveling I fear. Ha ha! What is it about travel that speaks so deeply to me? As my kids are getting older, the urgency to travel is so much stronger than it was when they were young. And one thing I'm learning really quickly about this whole parenting gig is that 18 years seems like such a long time when you first start this journey, but it's not. I tell my friends with younger kids to not blink. That's not just a line from a cheesy song. It's the honest truth. It goes so much faster than you realize. I suppose in some way, I'm trying to cram as much fun, memories, adventures and experiences into those 18 years as I possibly can. My parents made vacations and time together a priority for me growing up and my hope is that I'm doing that for my kids too and they'll do it for their children when the time comes. Someday I want to be the grandma that gets a phone call that starts out ''Dad says you once tossed everyone in the car and drove across the country and went through a tornado! Is that true?'' (Yes, it is by the way.) Life without adventure is a waste. My hope, through sharing our experiences, is you'll find the inspiration to take that journey for yourself. I think we've all seen in the last few months (thank you 2020!) that the people in our lives and the moments we have with them are the most important gifts we've been given. The days are long, but the years are short. Laugh with us, experience with us, learn from us but more importantly, go make your own memories. Share your thoughts, your experiences, your adventures. Let's learn from each other.

Adventure is Out There: To Disney World

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